

Investigation of influencing factors on the evaluation of learning and memory in nonhuman primates
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    目的 基于威斯康辛通用测试仪的延迟应答测试是评价非人灵长类学习记忆能力的常用方法,该实验在进行过程中受到很多因素影响,如何设定规范的训练和评价参数,对正确评价猴的学习记忆能力具有重要的参考意义和价值。方法 本研究选取8~9岁雄性食蟹猴作为实验研究对象,利用改良的威斯康辛通用测试仪检测,通过食蟹猴获取食物的正确率来评价训练次数,评价频率,间隔评价时间,延迟时间和陷阱食盒数量等实验因素对结果的影响。结果 当减少训练阶段的训练次数(小于10次)时,食蟹猴获取食物的正确率不稳定且呈现出显著的下降趋势;在获得足够训练的前提下,评价频率对食蟹猴获取食物的正确率影响较小;常规训练后3个月进行评价,食蟹猴仍然能够获得65%的获取食物正确率;增加延迟时间后,会导致部分食蟹猴获取食物的正确率显著降低;此外,当增加到3个以上陷阱食盒时,导致食蟹猴获取食物正确率普遍低于65%以下。结论 合理的设置训练和评价阶段的实验参数对非人灵长类学习记忆功能的评价具有重要的影响和意义。


    Objective The delayed-response task based on the Wisconsin General Testing Apparatus (WGTA) is commonly used to evaluate the ability of learning and memory in nonhuman primates. Because the task may be influenced by a number of factors, how to set and standardize the parameters during the training and evaluation stage is of great significance and value for obtaining appropriate results of learning and memory ability. Methods In this study, 8~9 years old male cynomolgus macaques (Macaca fascicularis) were tested with the modified WGTA. We evaluated the influence of experimental factors such as the times of training, frequency of evaluation, interval time of evaluation, delayed time and number of stimulus trays on the results of learning and memory ability in the macaques by investigating the correct rates of food acquiring. Results The correct rate of food acquiring of the cynomolgus macaques was unstable and significantly decreased when the times of training was less than 10 during the training stage. The frequency of evaluation had less effect on the correct rate on the basis of enough training. The correct rate of food acquiring was still above 65% with a 3-month interval after training. However, the increase of delayed time led to significant decrease of the correct rate in some macaques. In addtion, more than 3 stimulus trays also resulted in a low correct rate in general less than 65%. Conclusions Reasonable designing of the experimental parameters during the training and evaluation stage is important for determining the learning and memory ability in nonhuman primates.

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  • 收稿日期:2017-06-29
  • 在线发布日期: 2017-09-23