
1.首都医科大学宣武医院,脑血管病研究室,北京 100053; 2.北京中医药大学东方医院,脑病一科,北京 100078



A preliminary study on the differentiation of neural stem cells after hypoxia and related signaling pathways

1. Cerebrovascular Diseases Research Institute, Xuanwu Hospital of Capital Medical University, Beijing 100053, China. 2. Department of Encephalopathy, Dongfang Hospital of Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Beijing 100078

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    目的 观察缺氧缺糖后神经干细胞在不同时间点的分化趋势,以及与信号通路促红细胞生成素受体(EPOR 和 βCR)和 PDZ 连接激酶(Pbk)的相关性。 方法 分离小鼠原代神经干细胞,制备氧糖剥夺(OGD)模型,缺氧 3 h,复氧 1 h、2 h、4 h、6 h、8 h,观察神经干细胞 OGD 的分化趋势,采用 RT-PCR 技术检测少突胶质细胞标志物 CnP</i> 和 MbP</i>、星型胶质细胞标志物 GfaP</i> 和 S100b、神经元标志物 RBFOX3、MAP2 和 TUBB3 以及信号分子 EPOR、CSF2RB、Pbk 的基因表达,并进行了 Pearson 相关性分析。 结果 (1)OGD 处理促进神经干细胞向少突胶质细胞方向分化,CnP</i> 和 MbP</i> 表达呈升高趋势,复氧 4 h CnP</i> 显著升高。 (2)OGD 处理促进神经干细胞向星形胶质细胞方向分化,复氧 2~ 8 h S100b 显著升高,复氧 2 h 和 6 h GfaP</i> 表达显著降低,复氧 8 h 表达显著增加。 (3)OGD 处理减少神经干细胞向神经元方向分化,RBFOX3 以及 TUBB3 表达显著降低,复氧 2 h 和 6 h 最为显著。 (4)Pbk 在复氧 1 h 和 8 h 显著降低,EporPbkCnP</i> 的表达呈正相关,PbkMbP</i> 的表达呈正相关。 结论 缺氧缺糖损伤显著促进神经干细胞向少突胶质细胞和星形胶质细胞新生,同时抑制向神经元方向的分化。 EPOR 以及 PBK 可能参与到脑缺血后神经干细胞向少突胶质细胞分化的调控过程,为进一步研究相关信号通路在缺血后神经再生中的调控机制提供了基础。


    Objective To observe the trend of differentiation of neural stem cells (NSCS) at different time points after oxygen glucose deprivation / reoxygenation (OGD/ R) and its correlation with Erythropoietin Receptor (EPOR), β- Common Receptor (βCR) and PDZ-binding-kinase (PBK). Methods The primary neural stem cells of mice were isolated and the OGD model was made. The OGD was hypoxia for 3 hours, reoxygenation for 1 hour, 2 hours, 4 hours, 6 hours and 8 hours. The differentiation trend of neural stem cells was observed. CNP and MBP, GFAP and S100B, RBFOX3, MAP2 and TUBB3,EPOR, CSF2RB and PBK were detected by RT-PCR and Pearson correlation analysis was carried out. Results 1, OGD treatment promoted the differentiation of neural stem cells to oligodendrocytes, and the expressions of CnP</i> and MbP</i> were increased obviously at 4 h after OGD. 2, OGD treatment promoted the differentiation of neural stem cells to astrocytes, and the expression of GfaP</i> was decreased at 2~ 6 h after OGD, while the expression of GfaP</i> was increased at 1 h and 8 h after OGD. The expression of S100b was significantly increased at 2~ 8 h after OGD. 3, OGD treatment reduced neuronal differentiation of neural stem cells, and the expression of RBFOX3 and TUBB3 were decreased after OGD significantly at 2 h and 6 h after OGD. 4, Pbk was reduced at 1 h and 8 h after OGD. EPOR and Pbk were positively correlated with the expression of CnP</i>, and Pbk was positively correlated with the expression of MbP</i>. Conclusions Hypoxia injury significantly promoted the formation of oligodendrocytes and astrocytes and inhibited the neuronal differentiation of neural stem cells. Epor and Pbk may be involved in the differentiation of neural stem cells to oligodendrocytes. These result may provide a basis for the further research on the related mechanism of nerve regeneration after ischemia.



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  • 收稿日期:2020-04-28
  • 在线发布日期: 2021-03-02