
1.首都医科大学附属北京世纪坛医院,北京 100038;2.北京急救中心,北京 100038



Effects of tongxinluo capsule on hippocampal inflammation, brain edema, and cognitive function of rats exposed to acute hypobaric hypoxia

1.Beijing Shijitan Hospital, Capital Medical University, Beijing 100038, China. 2. Beijing Emergency Center, Beijing 100038

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    目的 探讨通心络胶囊对急性低压缺氧暴露大鼠认知功能损伤的神经保护作用及其相关机制。 方法 64 只雄性 Sprague-Dawley 大鼠随机均分为四组,包括正常组(C),通心络组(TXL),低压低氧组(HH),和低压低氧+通心络组(TXL+HH)。 在低压低氧暴露前,所有大鼠进行 5 d 水迷宫训练。 然后在低压低氧环境下暴露 7 d。 7 d 后,采用旷场实验,水迷宫实验测定认知功能,然后处死取海马组织,Western blot 检测海马组织 TLR-4、MyD88、 IκB-α,NF-κB p65,AQP4,MMP-9 的表达,ELISA 检测血清和海马组织中 IL-1β、TNF-α、IL-6 的水平,HE 染色观察海 马组织病理学变化,并测定大鼠的脑水含量。 结果 (1)行为学实验:四组大鼠旷场实验结果无统计学差异(P> 0. 05);但在水迷宫空间探索实验中发现,与 C 组比较,HH 组大鼠原平台所在象限停留时间及穿越平台次数明显 降低(P<0. 05);TXL 干预后,大鼠原平台所在象限停留时间及穿越平台次数较低压低氧组明显升高,(P<0. 05); (2)炎症指标比较:与 C 组比较,HH 组大鼠血清及海马组织 IL-1β、TNF-α、IL-6 水平,海马 TLR-4、MyD88、NF-κB p65 蛋白水平明显升高(P<0. 05),TXL 干预后,炎症指标相关蛋白水平均下降(P<0. 05);(3)海马组织损伤比较: HH 组大鼠海马 AQP4 及 MMP-9 表达及脑水含量明显高于 C 组(P<0. 05),海马区细胞排列紊乱,肿胀明显,边界模糊;而 TXL 干预后,AQP4,MMP-9 表达及脑水含量均明显下降(P<0. 05)。 结论 急性低压缺氧暴露可导致认知功能障碍和脑组织水肿,通心络干预可通过抑制 TLR4 / MyD88 / NF-κB 信号通路活化,减轻海马炎症,改善认知损伤和脑组织水肿。


    Objective To investigate the neuroprotective effect of tongxinluo capsule on cognitive impairment of rats exposed to acute hypobaric hypoxia and its related mechanism. Methods Sixty-four male Sprague-Dawley rats were randomly divided into four groups: the control group, tongxinluo group ( TXL group), hypobaric hypoxia group ( HH group), and tongxinluo + hypobaric hypoxia group ( TXL + HH group). All rats were trained in a Morris water maze (MWM) for 5 days prior to hypobaric hypoxia exposure. They were then exposed to hypobaric hypoxia for 7 days. After 7 days, the rats’ cognitive function was evaluated by open field and MWM tests. The hippocampi were then extracted for molecular biological examination. Morphological changes were observed by pathological staining. The expressions of TLR-4, MyD88, IκBα, NF-κB p65, and AQP4 in the hippocampus were detected by Western blot. Results In the behavioral experiment, no significant difference in the open field test was observed among the four groups (P > 0. 05). Likewise, in the training part of the MWM tests, no significant difference in the escape latency was found among the four groups (P> 0. 05). However, in the probe trials, the residence time in the targeted quadrant and the crossing time to the original platform were significantly shorter in the rats exposed to hypobaric hypoxia than in the control group ( P< 0. 05). Tongxinluo treatment significantly attenuated hypobaric hypoxia-induced cognitive impairment ( P< 0. 05 ). Next, measurement of inflammatory markers showed that the serum and hippocampal IL-1β, TNF-α, and IL-6 levels as well as the hippocampal TLR-4, MyD88, and NF-κB p65 protein levels were all significantly higher in the HH group than in the control group (P< 0. 05). The levels of these inflammatory proteins decreased after TXL intervention ( P< 0. 05). Finally, examination of hippocampal tissue damage revealed that hypobaric hypoxia increased the brain water content, with increased AQP4 and MMP-9 expression in the hippocampus (P< 0. 05). The cells in the hippocampus were disordered with obvious swelling and blurred boundaries. However, after TXL intervention, the brain water content and AQP4 and MMP-9 expression were significantly reduced (P< 0. 05). Conclusion Acute hypobaric hypoxia exposure can lead to cognitive impairment and brain edema by activating the TLR-4/ MyD88 / NF-κB pathway. Tongxinluo intervention may improve cognitive impairment and brain edema by inhibiting the TLR-4/ MyD88 / NF-κB signaling pathway.


刘鹏飞,胡艳婷,姜静雯,赵 晟,邓 会,薛新颖,潘 磊,崔 磊,王 勇,乔 辉,李天佐,赵斌江.通心络胶囊对大鼠低压低氧暴露后炎症反应和脑组织水肿及认知功能的影响[J].中国比较医学杂志,2021,31(6):69~76.

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  • 收稿日期:2021-01-07
  • 在线发布日期: 2021-08-03