
1.河北农业大学生命科学学院,河北 保定 071001;2.保定市第一医院胸外科,河北 保定 071066; 3.保定市第二医院胸外科,河北 保定 071051



Establishment of a new model of severe hemorrhagic shock in rats

1.College of Life Science, Hebei Agricultural University, Baoding 071001, China. 2. Department of Thoracic Surgery, Baoding First Hospital, Baoding 071066. 3. Department of Thoracic Surgery, the NO.2 Hospital of Baoding, Baoding 071051

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    目的 目前的出血动物模型常表现为血压波动范围大,脑组织损伤有限,因此本研究试图用大鼠建立一个无明显血压波动的长期严重失血性休克模型。 方法 将 10 mL 注射器空筒固定在外科手术板上方 47. 58 cm 的位置作为储血库。大鼠麻醉后经右侧股动脉插管,利用压力差使血液自动放出到储血库,以此诱导休克。 休克过程中上下轻微移动注射器空筒调节注射器内的血液水平来控制平均动脉血压(MAP)。 28 只雄性 SD 大鼠按不同复苏方法随机分为 4 组,每组休克持续 3 h,实验过程中实时监测各组大鼠的生理情况和血流动力学指标,并在休克前后采血进行动脉血气分析,HE 染色观察大脑海马神经元损伤情况。 结果 各组在 3 h 失血性休克期间, MAP 可以准确地维持在 31~ 35 mmHg 范围内;在 3 h 休克结束时各组大鼠均能存活,未复苏(RN)组 7 只中有 6 只在休克结束后的 2 h 内死亡,复苏(RB 和 RR)组在复苏后 3 h 内均可存活;与休克前相比,各组休克后血 pH 值显著下降,血乳酸显著升高;失血性休克后 20~ 30 min 出现最大失血量,且最大失血量和最终失血量非常相近;病理结果显示所有大鼠海马神经元均有明显损伤。 结论 采用注射器空筒储血技术,能准确控制 MAP,防止明显的血压波动,有助于建立持续性严重失血性休克模型。这种失血性休克模型能诱导可靠的脑损伤、有高度重复性、既可定压又可定容,因此可用于研究失血性休克的病生理变化和治疗效果。


    Objective Current hemorrhagic animal models often have a wide range of blood pressure fluctuation and limited brain tissue damage. We aimed to develop a prolonged severe hemorrhagic shock model without significant blood pressure fluctuation in rats. Methods A 10 mL syringe was fixed on a wall at 47. 58 cm above a surgical operating board to serve as a blood reservoir. A hemorrhagic shock model was induced by automatically withdrawing blood into the 10 mL syringe. Mean arterial blood pressure (MAP) was controlled by adjusting the blood level inside the syringe. Twenty-eight rats were randomly divided into four groups in accordance with different resuscitations. The hemorrhagic shock episode lasted for 3 h. The physiological conditions and hemodynamic indexes of rats in each group were monitored in real-time and arterial blood gas was analyzed before and after the shock. Brain hippocampal neuronal damage was assessed by HE staining. Results MAP was accurately maintained at 31~ 35 mm Hg by keeping the blood level inside the syringe at 47. 58 cm above the surgical operating board throughout the 3 h hemorrhagic shock episode. The rats in all groups had survived at the end of the 3 h shock. Rats in the non-resuscitation group had died within 2 h after the end of the shock and those in resuscitation (RB and RR) groups had survived within 3 h after resuscitation. There was a significant decrease in blood pH and increase in blood lactate. Maximum blood loss had occurred at 20 ~ 30 min after hemorrhagic shock and the maximum blood loss was very close to the final blood loss. Pathology revealed marked hippocampal neuronal damage in all rats. Conclusions The syringe blood reservoir is useful to establish lengthy severe hemorrhagic shock with accurate control of MAP. This highly reproducible hemorrhagic shock model induces reliable brain damage to investigate pathophysiological changes and therapeutic effects of hemorrhagic shock.

    发 布

刘 琳,王砚明,赵惠民,贾东辉,刘 昱.新型大鼠严重失血性休克模型的建立[J].中国比较医学杂志,2021,31(12):65~70,102.

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  • 收稿日期:2020-08-20
  • 在线发布日期: 2022-01-28