高糖高脂食物对 BALB / c 和 C57BL / 6J 小鼠生长和代谢指标改变影响的研究

1.广州医科大学实验动物中心,广州 511436;2.广州市番禺区第六人民医院,广州 511442;3.广州医科大学附属肿瘤医院,广州 510095;4.南方医科大学公共卫生学院生物统计系,广州 510515



Effects of a high sucrose-high fat diet on alterations of growth and metabolism in BALB/ c and C57BL/ 6J mice

1. Laboratory Animal Center of Guangzhou Medical University, Guangzhou 511436, China.2. the Sixth People’s Hospital of Panyu District, Guangzhou 511442. 3. Affiliated Cancer Hospital and Institute of Guangzhou Medical University, Guangzhou 510095. 4. Department of Bio-Statistics, School of Public Health, Southern Medical University, Guangzhou 510515

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    目的 通过近交系 BALB/ c 和 C57BL/ 6J 小鼠,对高糖高脂( high-surcose-high fat, HSHF)食物在生长代谢方面进行平行研究,探讨基于不同品系、不同性别的小鼠,HSHF 食物对其生长代谢的差异化影响。 方法 2个品系的仔鼠在第 25 天断奶后按性别分组饲养,一组饲喂维持饲料(标准食物),另一组饲喂高糖高脂(HSHF)饲料。 每两周称量 1 次体重至 24 周实验结束,实施安乐死术后取材。 分析生长曲线、血糖、血脂水平、脏器指数(脾、肝、肺)等参数和脏器组织病理。 结果 动物生长曲线、血糖、血清低密度脂蛋白和甘油三酯的水平与其品系直接相关;动物性别对这些参数有重要影响。 HSHF 食物显著改变了雌性的生长曲线,但对雄性无显著影响;提高了代谢参数,其中对血清脂质的影响具有品系或性别特异性。 肝脂肪变化的程度、脾指数的变化均与品系和性别相关;肺未见组织病理改变。 结论 HSHF 食物引起的小鼠生长代谢的改变与动物的品系和性别有着显著的相关性,性别的相关性更多的是通过品系发挥作用。


    To study the effects of a high sucrose-high fat (HSHF) diet on growth and metabolism of inbred BALB/ c and C57BL/ 6J mice in parallel. Methods Litters of the two strains were weaned and separated by sex on day 25. Males and females of each strain were randomly divided into two groups. One group was fed a standard diet and other a HSHF diet from weaning until termination of the study ( 24 weeks). The parameters analyzed were the growth curve, levels of blood glucose and serum lipids, organ index ( spleen, liver and lungs), and histology of these organs. Results The strain determined the basal patterns of the growth curve, levels of blood glucose and serum low-density lipoprotein and triglycerides. Sex played a role in some of these parameters. The HSHF diet significantly altered the basal growth curve of females, but not males. In terms of metabolic parameters, the HSHF diet mostly increased their values. However, alterations of serum lipids were specific to the strain or sex. The severity of fatty changes in the liver varied with the strain and sex. Alterations of the spleen index depended significantly on the strain and sex. No histological changes were observed in the lungs. Conclusions Alterations of growth and metabolism caused by the HSHF diet were significantly influenced by the strain and sex. However, sex mainly modified differences determined by the strain.


戴丽军,黄月玲,叶炳飞,邝桂星,侯 敏,安胜利.高糖高脂食物对 BALB / c 和 C57BL / 6J 小鼠生长和代谢指标改变影响的研究[J].中国比较医学杂志,2022,32(10):69~77.

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  • 收稿日期:2022-05-31
  • 在线发布日期: 2023-05-08