
1.中国医学科学院医学实验动物研究所,北京 100021;2.江西省职业病防治研究院,南昌 330006

Standardized identification and inclusion of a strain of Rodentibacter pneumotropicus in a national pathogenic microorganism resource database

1. Institute of Medical Laboratory Animal Science, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences (CAMS), Beijing 100021, China. 2. Institute of Occupational Medicine of Jiangxi, Nanchang 330006

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    目的 参照国家病原微生物资源库中国医学科学院菌毒种保藏中心实验动物与人兽共患病保藏分中心的鉴定、收藏程序以及国家标准菌株的鉴定要求,对一株分离自江西省实验小鼠呼吸道的嗜肺啮齿杆菌进行标准化鉴定并保存入库。 方法 江西省职业病防治研究院(江西省实验动物质量检测站)按照GB14922. 1 和GB14926. 12 的要求对实验小鼠进行常规监测采样,分离病原菌株,初步鉴定为嗜肺啮齿杆菌;菌株由国家菌毒种保藏中心进行菌落、菌体特征、生理生化特性、16S rRNA 管家基因系统发育分析和基因组序列分析,并进行人工感染小鼠实验评价其致病性。 结果 实验小鼠分离出1 株嗜肺啮齿杆菌,动物无其他明显异常;经鉴定该菌株的菌落、菌体特征以及生理生化特征与模式株NCTC 8141(Rodentibacter pneumotropicus)相似;16S rRNA 基因序列与模式株NCTC 8141 的同源性为98. 37%,在系统发育树中与模式株NCTC 8141 聚为一个分支,自举数据值达96%;基因组序列分析,分离株与模式株NCTC 8141 之间的ANI 值为97. 97%,dDDH 值为80. 3%,高于国际标准95%和70%的分类界限;嗜肺啮齿杆菌江西分离株滴鼻感染ICR(Institute of Cancer Research)小鼠临床病症及肺组织病理改变与模式株NCTC 8141 相似。 结论 国家实验动物与人兽共患病菌毒种保藏分中心将之命名为嗜肺啮齿杆菌江西株(Rodentibacter pneumotropicus),并对该菌株进行标准化保藏,收录编号CCPM-B-B-006-2209-2。


    Objective To conduct standardized identification of a strain of Rodentibacter pneumotropicus isolated from the respiratory tract of mice in Jiangxi Province according to the identification and collection procedures for laboratory animals and zoonosis preservation at the Center of Bacteria and Virus Species Preservation, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, National Pathogenic Microorganism Resource Bank, and the requirements of national standard strain identification. Methods According to the requirements of GB14922. 1 and GB14926. 12, routine health-monitoring animals were examined and pathogen strains were isolated. The samples were transported to the National Bacterial and Viral Species Preservation Center at low temperatures for further classification and identification of pathogenic microorganisms by means of colony, cell characteristics, physiological and biochemical characteristics, phylogenetic analysis of 16S Rrna steward gene, and genome sequence analysis. Whole-genome sequencing result were compared and analyzed, and the pathogenicity was evaluated by artificial infection of mice. Results According to GB14926. 2, one strain of R. pneumophilus was isolated from a batch of mice from Ganzhou, Jiangxi Province, and the animals had no other obvious abnormalities. The isolated strain was similar to NCTC 8141 (R. pneumotropicus) colony, cell, and physiological and biochemical characteristics. The strainhad 98. 37% homology with the NCTC 8141 16S rRNA gene sequenceand formed a branch with R. pneumotropicus NCTC 8141 in the phylogenetic tree, with 96% self-promotion data value. On genome sequence analysis, the ANI and dDDH values between the isolated and R. pneumotropicus type strain NCTC 8141 were 97. 97% and 80. 3%, respectively, higher than the international standard classification limits of 95% and 70%. The clinical symptoms and pathological changes to the lung tissue were similar to those of the type strain NCTC 8141 infected with ICR (Institute of Cancer Research) mice via nasal drops. Conclusions The isolate was named R. pneumotropicus Jiangxi strain by the National Laboratory Animal and Zoonosis Preservation sub-center, and the strain was stored in a standardized way and numbered CCPM-B-B-006-2209-2.

    发 布

苏 磊.国家病原微生物资源库对一株嗜肺啮齿杆菌的标准化鉴定与收录[J].中国比较医学杂志,2023,33(4):36~42.

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  • 收稿日期:2023-02-07
  • 在线发布日期: 2023-08-02