基于慢性心肌缺血小鼠模型探究心电图T 波低平的电生理机制

1.北京中医药大学东直门医院,心血管内科一区,北京 100700;2.中国中医科学院,医学实验中心,北京 100700



Exploring the electrophysiological mechanisms of T-wave flattening in electrocardiogram in the mouse model of chronic myocardial ischemia

1. First District of Cardiovascular Medicine, Dongzhimen Hospital, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, Beijing 100700, China.2. Experimental Research Center of China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, Beijing 100700

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    目的 建立通过稳定的冠心病慢性心肌缺血小鼠模型,初步阐述缺血状态下 T 波低平的电生理原理。 方法 将 APOE- / -小鼠随机分为模型组和降脂药(lipid-lowering drug,LLD)组,高脂饮食喂养 3 个月,同时设立C57BL/ 6J 小鼠作为空白组。 检测造模前后小鼠心电图变化,通过核素 PET/ CT 扫描评估心脏血流灌注情况,使用主动脉苏木伊红(hematoxylin-eosin,HE)染色和油红染色评估斑块动脉粥样硬化( atherosclerosis,AS)病理。 同时,分离小鼠心肌细胞并记录心肌细胞动作电位。 结果 高脂喂养 3 个月后模型组小鼠的胆固醇(cholesterol,CHO)和低密度脂蛋白(low-density lipoprotein,LDL-C)显著升高,同时主动脉出现脂质斑块。 LLD 组病变减少,空白组无斑块。 心肌核素扫描显示模型组小鼠的心肌血流灌注显著低于 LLD 组和空白组。 小鼠心电图显示模型组和 LLD 组的 T/ QRS 显著降低,空白组无明显改变。 记录心肌细胞动作电位发现,缺血的内层心肌细胞复极速率增加,内外电位差减小是 T 波低平的主要电生理机制。 结论 APOE- / -小鼠可用于慢性心肌缺血小鼠模型,缺血状态下内层心肌复极速率的增加可能是心电图中 T 波降低的主要原因。


    Objective To establish a stable mouse model of chronic myocardial ischemia in coronary artery disease and preliminarily elucidate the electrophysiological mechanisms of T-wave flattening under ischemic conditions. Methods APOE- / - mice were randomly divided into a model group and a lipid-lowering drug (LLD) group and subjected to a high-fat diet for 3 months. C57BL/ 6J mice fed a normal diet were used as the control group. Electrocardiograms were used to assess the mice before and after modeling, and cardiac perfusion was evaluated via nuclear PET/ CT scans.Hematoxylin-eosin and oil red O staining were employed to assess pathological atherosclerosis (AS) plaque formation.Mouse myocardial cells were isolated, and action potentials were recorded. Results After modeling, mice in the model group exhibited a significant increase in cholesterol ( CHO) and low-density lipoprotein C ( LDL-C), along with the appearance of lipid plaques in the aorta. Lesions in the LLD group were noticeably reduced, and no plaques formed in the control group. Myocardial nuclear scans revealed impaired blood perfusion in the hearts of the model group mice that was significantly lower than that in the LLD and control groups. The electrocardiograms indicated a significant reduction in T/QRS in both the model and LLD groups, with no significant changes observed in the control group. Myocardial cell action potential recordings revealed an accelerated repolarization rate in the inner-layer myocardial cells under ischemia, and a reduction in the inner-to-outer potential difference was identified as the primary electrophysiological mechanism underlying T-wave flattening. Conclusions APOE- / - mice can be used to establish a model of chronic myocardial ischemia. The increased repolarization rate of inner-layer myocardial cells is likely to be the main cause of T-wave flattening in electrocardiograms under ischemic conditions.


王兆博,潘 熠,林 谦,钟菊迎.基于慢性心肌缺血小鼠模型探究心电图T 波低平的电生理机制[J].中国比较医学杂志,2024,34(6):54~62.

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  • 收稿日期:2023-12-05
  • 在线发布日期: 2024-07-16