Abstract:Sialoadhesin (Siglec-1 or CD169 ) is a sialic acid–binding Ig-like lectin expressed selectively on macrophage subsets.. In inflammatory response, Siglec-1 can modulate the secretion of MIP-1 alpha / beta, MCP-1, MIP-2 and other cytokines, and promote the occurrence of inflammatory reaction; During viral infection, Siglec-1 can promote the infection and phagocytosis of virus by mediating the combination of pathogens and macrophages; In the regulation of immunity, Siglec-1 can regulate innate immunity and adaptive immunity, by inhibitting the excessive expression of IFN-α and the activation of DC cells, This review mainly focuses on new advances of Siglec-1 in pathogens infectious disease,inflammation and immunoregulation.