Abstract:ABSTRACT: Objective Caco-2 cell model was established to explore euscaphic acid uptake and transport mechanism in this study. Methods Ultra-high performance liquid chromatography-triple quadrupole-mass spectrometry(UPLC-TQ-MS) was employed to determine the content of euscaphic acid. The effects of different time and temperature on its uptake were investigated. Based on the results of the uptake studies, the effects of different concentrations, P-gp inhibitors, chelating agents and pH values on its bidirectional transport were explored. Results The uptake of euscaphic acid was (8.38 ?0.87) μg穖g-1 for 180 min on the Caco-2 cell model at 37 癈. The apparent permeability coefficient (Papp values) of euscaphic acid for low, medium and high concentrations were(61.41 ?.92)?0-4、(146.90?4.91)?0-4 and (167.18?.72)?0-4 cm穝-1 respectively, which were positively correlated with the concentrations. P-gp inhibitors and chelating agents had no effect on its Papp values. Weakly acidic environment (pH6.00) significantly increased its Papp value, and the efflux rate (ER) ranged from 0.8–1.4. Conclusion The above results indicate that euscaphic acid has good transmembrane permeability in Caco-2 cell model, and the uptake mode is mainly passive diffusion. It is not a substrate of P-gp and there is no cellular bypass transport. This research may provide an experimental basis for the in vivo intestinal absorption of medicines containing euscaphic acid.