Abstract:Purpose: In recent years, with the incidence of psoriatic arthritis gradually increasing and incurable in China, it has become a major problem in the medical career. Therefore, In this study, we actively explored the pathogenesis of psoriatic arthritis based on the characteristics of Chinese and Western medicine clinical evidence, summarized the currently available animal models and analyzed and evaluated them. Methods: Literature detected in line with this topic was collated and summarized, and the existing models were given an agreement score through the study of the etiology and pathogenesis of psoriatic arthritis in Chinese and Western medicine, the diagnostic criteria of Chinese and Western medicine, and the analysis of the characteristics of the animal models and their degree of agreement with the clinic. Results: This thesis found that the human leukocyte antigen transgenic mouse model, the multiple hybridization transgenic mouse model, and the mannan-induced mouse model had the highest fit scores. Conclusion: Since psoriatic arthritis is mostly seen in Europe, the preparation methods of animal models are mostly imported from abroad, and there are very few animal models prepared with the characteristics of Chinese medicine, therefore, the model agreement scores of western diagnosis are higher than those of Chinese medicine diagnosis as a whole. It is hoped that in the future, we can combine the unique diagnosis and treatment methods of Chinese medicine to further improve the types of animal models of psoriatic arthritis, so as to provide a basis for the construction of more ideal animal models for the treatment of psoriatic arthritis by combining traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine.