






Mechanistic study of miR-207 regulates Mycobacterium tuberculosis survival in macrophages

Department of Microbiology and Immunology,School of Basic Medical Sciences,Dali University

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    【摘要】目的 miR-207在许多疾病中存在差异性表达,探究miR-207过表达对调控结核分枝杆菌(H37Ra)在巨噬细胞内存活的机制研究,为结核病的靶向治疗提供理论基础。方法 将实验分为四组:blank组(只有Ana-1细胞)、control组(感染了H37Ra的细胞)、mi组(感染了H37Ra且转染了miRNA-207 mimics)、mi-NC组(感染了H37Ra且转染了mimics NC)。使用H37Ra感染Ana-1细胞建立结核感染模型,使用脂质体转染法将miRNA-207 mimics和mimics NC转入Ana-1细胞。结核菌落形成单位计数评估miR-207对胞内分枝杆菌负荷的影响以及对胞外残留分枝杆菌的清除作用。采用流式细胞术检测细胞总凋亡率。qRT-PCR测miR-207、细胞凋亡基因、焦亡基因、炎症基因及自噬基因相对表达量。western blot检测细胞凋亡蛋白、焦亡蛋白、自噬蛋白的相对表达量。采用荧光显微镜及多功能酶标仪检测细胞内ROS的荧光强度,以及检测细胞内LDH的含量。结果 显微镜下观察成功建立感染模型,qRT-PCR检测发现control组miR-207表达量低于blank组,表明miR-207在blank组和control组中差异性表达,mi组miR-207表达量显著高于mi-NC组,表明成功建立转染模型。菌落形成单位计数发现mi组的菌落数高于mi-NC组和control组。流式细胞术检测发现mi组总凋亡高于mi-NC组和control组。qRT-PCR及western blot检测发现control组凋亡基因和凋亡蛋白相对表达量高于blank组,mi组高于mi-NC组。control组炎症基因相对表达量高于blank组,mi组高于mi-NC组,control组焦亡基因和焦亡蛋白相对表达量高于blank组,mi组高于mi-NC组。qRT-PCR检测自噬正调节基因LC3和Beclin1在 control组相对表达量高于blank组,mi组低于mi-NC组。负调节自噬基因相对表达量与自噬正调节基因趋势相反。自噬相关蛋白相对表达量与自噬基因趋势一致。ROS荧光强度检测发现control组荧光强度高于blank组,mi组高于mi-NC组。LDH检测发现control组细胞内LDH含量高于blank组,mi组与mi-NC组含量无统计学意义。结论 miR-207过表达促进细胞凋亡、细胞焦亡及炎症、抑制自噬,有利于H37Ra的存活,为结核病的治疗提供新的方向。


    【Abstract】Objective miR-207 is differentially expressed in many diseases. It investigate the mechanism study of miR-207 overexpression on regulating the survival of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (H37Ra) in macrophages to provide a theoretical basis for targeted therapy of tuberculosis. Methods The experiment was divided into four groups: blank group (Ana-1 cells only), control group (cells infected with H37Ra), mi group (infected with H37Ra and transfected with miRNA-207 mimics), and mi-NC group (infected with H37Ra and transfected with mimics NC). A model of TB infection was established using H37Ra infected Ana-1 cells, and miRNA-207 mimics and mimics NC were transfected into Ana-1 cells using the liposome transfection method. Tuberculosis colony-forming unit counting to assess the effect of miR-207 on intracellular mycobacterial load and clearance of extracellular residual mycobacteria. Flow cytometry was used to detect the total apoptosis rate. The relative expression of miR-207, apoptosis genes, pyroptosis genes, inflammation genes and autophagy genes were measured by qRT-PCR. western blot was used to detect the relative expression of apoptosis proteins, pyroptosis proteins and autophagy proteins. Fluorescence microscope and multifunctional enzyme labeling instrument were used to detect the fluorescence intensity of intracellular ROS, as well as to detect the content of intracellular LDH. Results Successful establishment of infection model was observed under the microscope. qRT-PCR detection found that miR-207 expression in control group was lower than that in blank group, indicating that miR-207 was differentially expressed in blank and control groups. miR-207 expression in mi group was significantly higher than that in mi-NC group, indicating successful establishment of transfection model. Colony forming unit counting found that the number of colonies in the mi group was higher than that in the mi-NC and control groups. The total apoptosis in mi group was higher than that in mi-NC and control groups by flow cytometry. qRT-PCR and western blot showed that the relative expression of apoptotic genes and apoptotic proteins was higher than that in blank group in control group, and that in mi group was higher than that in mi-NC group. the relative expression of inflammatory genes was higher than that in blank group in control group, and the relative expression of inflammatory genes was higher than that in mi-NC group, and the relative expression of inflammatory genes was higher than that in mi-NC group. The relative expression of inflammatory genes in control group was higher than that in blank group, and that in mi group was higher than that in mi-NC group, and the relative expression of pyroptosis genes and pyroptosis proteins in control group was higher than that in blank group and that in mi group was higher than that in mi-NC group. The relative expression of autophagy positively regulated genes LC3 and Beclin1 as detected by qRT-PCR was higher in the control group than in the blank group, and lower in the mi group than in the mi-NC group. The relative expression of negatively regulated autophagy genes had the opposite trend to that of autophagy positively regulated genes. The relative expression of autophagy-related proteins was consistent with the trend of autophagy genes. ROS fluorescence intensity was found to be higher in control group than in blank group, and higher in mi group than in mi-NC group. LDH content was found to be higher in control group than in blank group, and there was no statistically significant difference between the content in mi group and that in mi-NC group.The relative expression of negatively regulated autophagy genes LC3 and Beclin1 was higher than that in blank group, and lower than that in mi-NC group. Conclusions The miR-207 overexpression promotes apoptosis, cellular pyroptosis and inflammation, inhibits autophagy, favors H37Ra survival and provides a new direction for the treatment of tuberculosis.

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  • 收稿日期:2024-07-18
  • 最后修改日期:2024-10-18
  • 录用日期:2024-12-26
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