2017~ 2021年陕西省实验动物使用单位 SPF 级大、小鼠质量监测结果分析与评估

空军军医大学实验动物中心,西安 710032






Analysis and evaluation of quality monitoring results of SPF rats and mice in Shaanxi province from 2017 to 2021

Laboratory Animal Center, Air Force Medical University, Xi’an 710032, China

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    目的 分析 2017~ 2021 年陕西省部分实验动物使用单位无特定病原体(specific pathogen free, SPF) 级大、小鼠微生物和寄生虫质量检测结果,了解各单位大、小鼠病原微生物学质量状况,为实验动物质量管理与监测提供参考依据。 方法 按照现行国家标准 GB 14922. 2-2011、GB/ T 14926-2001 和 GB/ T 14926. 21-2008,由陕西 省实验动物质量监督检测中心对大、小鼠进行病原微生物和寄生虫抽样检测并分析质量状况。 结果 2017年 ~ 2021 年累计抽检 109 家单位的小鼠 2549 只,45 家单位的大鼠 503 只。检测结果显示,小鼠体外寄生虫(螨虫)检出率由 5. 26%降为 0. 15%,肠道鞭毛虫由 10. 53%降为 0. 45%,肠道蠕虫由 0. 40%升至 2. 39%,沙门菌由 2. 78%降至无检出,泰泽病原体抗体阳性率由 1. 38%降至无检出;大鼠体外寄生虫(螨虫)检出率由 7. 07%降至无检出;肠道鞭 毛虫由 11. 50%降为 0. 83%,蠕虫由 3. 79%升至 7. 50%,金黄色葡萄球菌由 1. 77%降至无检出。 小鼠病毒血清抗体 阳性率,2017 年检出小鼠肝炎病毒(4. 71%)、仙台病毒(1. 39%)和小鼠细小病毒(2. 22%),2021 年出小鼠肝炎病毒(0. 30%)和仙台病毒(0. 15%),小鼠肺炎病毒阳性率则由 1. 11%升至 2. 39%,小鼠呼肠孤病毒Ⅲ型由 0. 17%升至 0. 45%。大鼠仙台病毒阳性率由 7. 07%降为 0. 83%,大鼠细小病毒和大鼠冠状病毒仅 2017 年和 2018 年在个别单位有检出,大鼠肺炎病毒则由 0. 88%增长为 10. 00%。 结论 近 5 年的检测结果表明,陕西省实验动物使用单位 的大、小鼠病原微生物质量逐年提升,但仍存在一定问题,应持续采取严格的生物安全防控措施,加强动物实验过程,确保各单位在实验周期内动物质量合格。


    Objective To determine the current pathogenic microbiology quality status of experimental rats and mice in Shaanxi province, we analyzed quality monitoring result from 2017 to 2021 to provide a reference for health screening of laboratory rats and mice. Methods Using the current national standards GB 14922. 2-2011, GB/ T 14926- 2001, and GB/ T 14926. 21-2008, the Laboratory Animal Quality Supervision and Testing Center of Shaanxi carried out pathogenic microbial and parasite quality sampling tests on SPF rats and mice in all licensed companies and research institutes, and then analyzed the result. Results From 2017 to 2021, 2549 SPF mice and 503 SPF rats were collected from 109 and 45 organizations, respectively. Mouse parasite detection showed a reduction of mites from 5. 26% to 0. 15%, intestinal flagellates from 10. 53% to 0. 45%, Salmonella and Tyzzer’s organism from 2. 78% and 1. 38%, respectively, to undetected. Intestinal helminths increased from 0. 40% to 2. 39%. In rats, there were declines in mites and Staphylococcus aureus from 7. 07% and 1. 77%, respectively, to undetected, intestinal flagellates from 11. 50% to 0. 83%, and enrichment of helminths from 3. 79% to 7. 50%. In terms of positive rates of mouse serum antibodies, in 2017, mouse hepatitis virus ( 4. 71%), Sendai virus ( 1. 39%), and minute virus of mice ( 2. 22%) were positive. Additionally, in 2021, mouse hepatitis virus (0. 30%) and Sendai virus (0. 15%) were positive. These result indicated raised trends of both pneumonia virus of mice and reovirus type III. However, there was a reduction in Sendai virus from 7. 07% to 0. 83% and an increase of pneumonia virus from 0. 88% to 10. 00%. In rats, although parvovirus and coronavirus had predominant potentials, which were detected in the past 5 years, the number of infected organizations and the positive rate showed a downward trend annually. Conclusions The test result in the past 5 years showed that pathogenic microorganisms in rats and mice in Shaanxi province had improved yearly. However, many problems still existed. Therefore, strict biosafety prevention and control measures should be conducted continuously, and the animal experimentation process should be strengthened to ensure that animals are qualified within the experimental period.


吴朋朋,张彩勤,赵 勇,谭邓旭,师长宏,白 冰.2017~ 2021年陕西省实验动物使用单位 SPF 级大、小鼠质量监测结果分析与评估[J].中国比较医学杂志,2023,33(1):70~77.

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  • 收稿日期:2022-04-19
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  • 在线发布日期: 2023-03-16
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